Saturday, June 27, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

How long can you make one explosion last? Well Micheal Bay can apparently make one last a little less than 3 hours. It is indeed an impressive feat that a studio will allow any director to create a summer blockbuster longer than 2 hours, but i guess Micheal was just too attached to all of them to let any go. It seems that Optimus Prime spends more time in the sand than Tom Hanks does in Saving Private Ryan, but there doesn't seem to be any need for a lot of it.
Many of the sequences in the movie really don't need to be there and would benefit greatly from a little more work from the editor.
While I joke that Bay does use a lot of special effects he has clearly mastered the skill. All of the fight sequences and chase sequences in the movie are well done and awesome to look at. But there are only so many different things you can do with these impressive skills.
As long as you go into the theater and go in there expecting a lot of visual excitement and a few cheap laughs than you'll be able to enjoy the movie. And its not just the explosions that are visually exciting. Bay knows what he has with Megan Fox and takes the camera away from the dialogue so the audience can see Fox taking off her clothes. Clearly the right priorities, none of the men in the audience will complain as they will also be privy to a lot of slow motion running for Fox.
The plot of the movie for anyone who is interested (which you shouldn't be) is basically that some of the cube from the last movie survived and in order to revive their old leader they are going to need it. They then need to find more of the power which is again hidden somewhere on earth and once again Shia LeBouf is the key to finding the energy source.
It's an enjoyable movie and perfect for the summer movie audience just make sure you have some time on your hand.

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