Wednesday, August 19, 2009

G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra

GI Joe is a giant hit of nostalgia I remember playing with some of the action figures as a child and that is a wonderful memory. This movie was not like that memory it was more similar to my trip to Colonial Williamsburg, very boring and I kept wondering when it was going to get to the good stuff. It never got there.
The movie is very predictable, all you have to know is that its an action movie and I'm sure ou can guess the sequence of events. God bless their plastic little hearts they try to throw in some curve balls but you know the count and whats coming at you.
The movie relies on a lot of C.G. as most movies do now. But this is hyped up to an extreme level and at some point it even looks like the cartoon.
Channing Tatum takes another shot as lead. It works in this movie as he has been asked to play a emotionless piece of plastic. Dennis Quaid is barely in the movie despite being advertised as one of the leads and Marlon Waynes (by the way where as he been) is the comedic one-liner. His role is very bond-esc as i cringed a little bit at how hokey they all sounded.
You know what you are getting when you see this movie. If you are looking for a bad action movie, one that you can laugh at how hokey it is this is the movie to see. C-

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