Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Valentine's Day

Many people who know me know that I hate the horror genre. Its predictable and the surprises are never all that surprising and unless you have teenage girls in the front row screaming at every little thing then there really is nothing scary at all besides the production value. The romantic-comedy genre is almost the exact same there are no real surprises as you know how all these movies end, you need girls with you to appreciate the movie but for some reason I like this genre. I absolutely hate brownies, but I love cookies. They're borderline the exact same thing, but one just tastes better going down.

I tried to think of an analogy to compliment cotton candy but I could not think of a dessert that was similar enough, because that's what this movie is. This movie is pink, light, fluffy and has no substance to it.

That being said the movie is enjoyable. If you don't particularly care for one of the actors or the plot lines, don't worry there will be a new one in a minute. Don't like thinking, this movie doesn't give you anything to think about. Wanna text your friend during the movie, go for it. Just pick your least favorite actor, let's say Topher Grace, and whenever he is on the screen go ahead and check the phone. Even if you miss every aspect of his story there are like 19 other stories to concern yourself.

Most of the movie for me was trying to remember who the girl was that was banging McDreamy, I knew it started with a 'Je' but so many of the other actors in the movie start with the same thing (turns out it was Jennifer Garner) that was what most of my brain power went towards.
That is the advantage to this type of movie making, you get the group rate. The actor's pick up an easy pay check as they only need to be shooting for a couple days and the audience gets a plethora of different actors so it can reach across to a variety of different fans.

Gerry Marshall does a good job getting a variety of different perspectives on how each group feel about love from the young white heterosexuals to the old white heterosexuals. And while this movie is easy to take in, one group was offended that it was not represented and advertised properly for. Reason being as it turns out to be a one of the two nice little twist later on in the movie. Needless to say there is literally no reason for anyone to be offended by this movie. I mean besides the performances, the writing, and the cliche selections in music.

While I may be bashing this movie the truth is bad rom-coms are a guilty pleasure. While they may always end the same at least it leaves you with a little smile and who knows maybe a little hope. This movie has probably already past its expiration date, but no worries there will be one just like it soon enough as these type of movies tend to go in and out of season. D-

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